IPMI 2021 poster

Lighting Enhancement Aids Reconstruction of Colonoscopic Surfaces

Authors: Yubo Zhang (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)*; Shuxian Wang (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Ruibin Ma (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Sarah McGill (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Julian Rosenman (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Steve Pizer (University of North Carolina)


Abstract: High screening coverage during colonoscopy is crucial to effectively prevent colon cancer. Previous work has allowed alerting the doctor to unsurveyed regions by reconstructing the 3D colonoscopic surface from colonoscopy videos in real-time. However, the lighting inconsistency of colonoscopy videos can cause a key component of the colonoscopic reconstruction system, the SLAM optimization, to fail. In this work we focus on the lighting problem in colonoscopy videos. To successfully improve the lighting consistency of colonoscopy videos, we have found necessary a lighting correction that adapts to the intensity distribution of recent video frames. To achieve this in real-time, we have designed and trained an RNN network. This network adapts the gamma value in a gamma-correction process. Applied in the colonoscopic surface reconstruction system, our light-weight model significantly boosts the reconstruction success rate, making a larger proportion of colonoscopy video segments reconstructable and improving the reconstruction quality of the already reconstructed segments.